Friday, May 16, 2014

Bout of Books 10.0: [Day 3 & Day 4]

Wednesday was an excellent reading day because I finished a book and read a bunch from the other; Thursday not so much - I was out on town with Jan, and there was a hockey game in the evening... I've also been having concentration problems so Bout of Books is not going *that* well for me this time. I've been pretty stressed out by several things (Mammu's illness - which is fine now after the vet visit, some things connected with my dad passing away still - for a person with my mental condition continuous state of stress is very bad, and now I've been struggling with the loss of appetite as well). We will have a week off from work next week (a bit ironic?) and it's always a bit hectic with work things before off-time.
I have no idea how today will shape out to be, we will be going to a restaurant in the evening and I will take the book with me, and there is another hockey game in the evening. I'll try to sneak in a page here and there at least.
So sorry for the whiny update :p, but I just feel a bit sorry that this is not the bestest week for me and that I cannot give more of myself to Bout of Books.

The books I read on Wednesday and Thursday: Half of a Yellow Sun by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Red Seas Under Red Skies by Scott Lynch
Pages read: 56 + 81 = 137, + 52 = 189
Books finished: 1
About the books: I finished Half of a Yellow Sun, and it's an excellent read, 4/5 for me. Red Seas Under Red Skies - well... what is there to say. Jean Tannen.


  1. Don't be too hard on yourself. Reading is supposed to be fun and if hockey is more appealing at the moment so be it. You are working on some pretty serious books besides. Maybe a bit of fluff reading would brighten your bout of books?

    1. Thank you! Red Seas is a pretty good book, it's not really too serious, but I guess I've been having some concentration problems. I'm feeling better today though :)

  2. I know it's easier said than done, but try not to be so hard on yourself -- you have a lot going on! And I did always find it ironic how stressful it is to prepare to go on vacation, which seems rather unfair!

    1. So true - preparing to go to a holiday is a lot of stress. Sometimes I wanted to give up the whole holiday things just so that I don't have to go through this process of spending half a day talking to the substitute, all the e-mails, etc. Thanks Christine!

  3. The goal is to read as much as you can which is what you're doing. That makes you a WINNER! *fanfares in the background* *throws confetti*
    I know empty phrases (even if they're meant well) aren't helping in these situations. They actually make ME feel even worse and also guilty on top of that. So no "don't be so hard on yourself" from me.

    1. Thank you so much! The "don't be so hard on yourself" comments are actually helpful because they help putting things into perspective. In the right perspective, the daily book page count is really quite an irrelevant detail :) I'm not really unhappy with the readathon, I still read every day, and have been enjoying the books, which is the main thing!

  4. I love Jean, ESPECIALLY in Red Seas Under Red Skies.

    I'm sorry you're having a rough week! Hope Mammu is doing better, and that the rest of your Bout of Books weekend is nice and relaxing.

    1. Thanks, Sarah! Mammu is doing a lot better, she got two teeth pulled out and all the else cleaned. I think I was just in especially whiny mood when I wrote this update :)

  5. I think you've been doing brilliantly well! Reading, great pictures, time for non-bookish time at home... definitely not worth stressing yourself out. I agree, prolonged stress is NOT GOOD. I hope your last day is a lovely one. :)

    1. Hey, thanks, Ellie, your comment really helped me see things in different perspective. Reading is good but other things are good as well :)


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